Long Term Temp
People choose to temp for all sorts of reasons, such as experience, flexibility and change. While for some, the end goal is permanent employment, others opt to carve out a career in temping.
Can you be a career temp? What are the advantages of temping long term? And are there any pitfalls to look out for?
The answer to the first question is a complete no-brainer: Yes! Life and work are about making choices. If you opt to temp for your entire career, you can. But, as with any major decisions, it’s worth thinking about the pros and cons first.
A career in temporary work has many potential benefits:
If you’re one of those people that likes change, being a career temp might well be the solution. Through your assignments, you’ll likely to experience a range of organisations, management styles, teams and jobs. You’ll come to recognise the environments that suit you best, whether that’s working for a collaborative boss in a small family-run business or working more independently for a large multi-national. You can take that knowledge forward with you as you continue to explore the varied world of temporary work.
By working in different roles and environments, your hard and soft skills will continually develop and evolve. With each job, you’ll likely add to your technical skills, perhaps operating new machines or navigating different software. You’ll also have plenty of opportunity to fine tune your soft skills, such as adapting to changing circumstances and communicating with people in each new organisation.
Perhaps you only want to work nine months a year, and then spend the remaining three travelling around Australia? Or maybe you are looking to make some money a few days each week while you are studying, building a small business or raising a young family? Temping can offer flexibility and work-life balance at every stage of your life and career.
Higher rates
Let’s not forget the potential financial benefit of temping! Hourly rates are generally higher for temps than for permanent employees because they include a casual loading of around 25% to compensate for leave entitlements. The extra $$$ can make for attractive take home pay each week.
So, what are the pitfalls of being a career temp?
Lack of financial security
As a career temp, it’s a wise idea to put money aside for a rainy day. Your employer may let you go with limited notice from an assignment. You may experience uncomfortable gaps between temping roles. Or you may need unexpected time off work due to illness or caring responsibilities.
Perceived risk
Real estate agents and lenders such as banks may look on temps less favourably than permanent employees. This perceived risk is based on lack of job stability and varied earnings. Definitely something to consider if you’re looking to rent or purchase a property at some stage.
Transition to permanent work
You may set out as a career temp, but what happens if you later decide you want a permanent position? Potential employers may find it challenging to navigate a resume peppered with short-term assignments with multiple organisations. They may also doubt your commitment to staying in a role over time, even if you attempt to counter any mistrust with a carefully worded cover letter/email and resume.
If you’re interested in being a career temp, consider partnering with a couple of recruitment agencies who offer the types of opportunities you are looking for. Get a foot in the door by showing you’re willing and available to accept assignments, then see them through to completion. Once you’ve proved yourself, you’re likely to be front of mind both at the agencies and with employers you have previously temped for. And that’s a great way to build a successful career in temping!
To discuss current temping opportunities, please contact the professional team at Optimal Workforce today on admin@optimalworkforce.com.au or 02 8077 7030.