Is Cultural Fit Important In Temporary Staffing Placements?

Work Culture

Cultural fit came to prominence in the 1980s. At its core is the idea that the people working at an organisation share the same values, beliefs and purpose as each other and the organisation. If the organisation promotes teamwork as one of its core values, for example, it is likely that most of the people working there are effective team players, who enjoy working with others. Cultural fit is often assessed during the recruitment process, but how does it play out for temporary roles in an organisation? Is cultural fit important in temporary staffing placements?


Pros of Cultural Fit


Relationship Building

If a temporary employee is the right cultural fit for the organisation and the people who work there, it is likely that they will find it easier to build good working relationships. A definite plus, especially for short-term placements.


Swift Onboarding

If a temporary employee’s values, beliefs and purpose are in alignment with the organisation’s, chances are they will slot into their role easily and effectively. They will feel comfortable with the expectations of the role and be motivated to achieve positive outcomes.


Increased Productivity

When a temporary employee feels comfortable, confident and connected, they will want to contribute in a meaningful way to the organisation. And that often translates into enhanced productivity.


Cons of Cultural Fit


Limited Talent Pool

In order to attract the best talent – temporary or permanent – organisations should recruit across a broad spectrum of society, not just a limited section of it. By placing too much emphasis on cultural fit, organisations can end up with a cookie-cutter workforce where everyone is similar.


Unconscious Bias

Affinity bias may cause employers to take someone on because they connect with them on a personal level. They may discount people who are different to them due to their background, education level, religious beliefs . . . the list goes on. As a result, they may miss out on the individual who has the best knowledge, skills and experience for the role.


The Benefits of Diversity

When people are similar, they often don’t question how things are done or could be done . If creativity and problem-solving are integral to team or organisational success, diversity is vital. A diverse team will approach situations and issues from different perspectives.


Cultural fit may be important to your organisation, especially if you are looking for someone to slot quickly, easily and effectively into a temporary role. In this instance, you should ensure that you’re taking on a temp who shares your values, beliefs and purpose – not just someone you feel a connection too. Cultural fit should be less of a consideration if you want a temp who will bring a different outlook to the organisation and challenge the status quo.

To discuss your temping requirements, please contact the professional team at Optimal Workforce today on or 02 8077 7030.

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